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Below are some prayer resources, which you may find useful for private prayer.


Many of our churches are open during the day, should you wish to pray in the quiet; although prayer is something which can be done anywhere and at any time.

If you don’t know where to start when it comes to prayer, this guide called ‘learning to pray’, is very useful in giving some practical suggestions:

For guidance on different types of prayer for different situations, take a look at this page:

…And for some daily prayers, please see this page:

Our Benefice Prayer and This Months Prayer Points
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Our Benefice Prayer

Heavenly father, you have welcomed us into your loving arms, and your heart’s desire is to draw every human being to yourself.


Grant us clear eyes to see people as you see them, sensitive feet to stand in their shoes, and warm smiles to welcome them in your name.


Give us generous hearts to help our churches be a taste of heaven. May everyone you send to us find their loving home in the community of your son, our saviour Jesus Christ.



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